Over ‘Roep der verten’ van Lutgard Mutsaers in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 171 (Brill, 2015), oktober 2015:
Mutsaers has a long past in popular music studies, and has published on rock and roll, as embraced and adapted by Indo European musicians, and the Hawaiian music that was popular in the Indies as well as the Netherlands from the thirties to the sixties. Both competed with krontjong, and even threatened to push krontjong into oblivion. Now, she has fulfilled the promise to write the history of krontjong, and has done so with six hundred pages of dense print, an ambitious project for which she was extremely well suited. (…) This book with about 900 notes, with a very useful register of terms and names in krontjong, with short amplifications, with an index, with a timeline, offers another attraction. As a bonus there is a cd with 25 tracks, 19 historical recordings, first released between 1904 and 1957, and 6 ‘modern’ ones, attesting to the excellent quality of these kroncong asli recordings, which will ensure the powerful raison d’etre of this Indo music.
[KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies.]