«Fantasy as the only escape.» – Rosemarijn Hoefte

VoorplatBecause-75Over ‘Because en andere gedichten’ van Carla van Leeuwen in New West Indian Guide [nr.96], april 2022
(…) Rosemarijn Hoefte has kindly provided an overview of recent Dutch-language books that may be of interest to our readers. (…) ‘Because’ is the 1979-debut volume of Carla van Leeuwen (1955–80). The current edition (Haarlem, the Netherlands: In de Knipscheer, 2021, paper € 17.50, with a brief epilogue by Klaas de Groot) presents poems (some in Dutch, some in English) from the original volume as well as 22 from an unpublished volume, “Interval,” and seven found in the Van Leeuwen family archive. One of the main themes is the difficulty, or even inability, of belonging, with fantasy as the only escape.
Meer over ‘Because en andere gedichten’