Boom’s Blues op 2 in ‘The 10 Best American Journalisms’

Booms' Blues AmerikaansVorige maand verscheen in Amerika de American-edition van Boom’s Blues van Wim Verbei. Deze maand werd de ‘The 10 Best American Journalisms’ gepubliceerd (gebaseerd op scan van 57.432 besprekingen), waarop Boom’s Blues met 91 recensies op de tweede plek prijkt. Het boek is te bestellen op Amazon voor $ 75.00. De originele Nederlandse uitgave (incl. cd !) is te koop of te bestellen in elke boekhandel in Nederland en Vlaanderen (voor € 29,50).
Meer over Boom’s Blues

Wim Verbei – Boom’s Blues

Booms' Blues AmerikaansWim Verbei
Boom’s Blues. Music, Journalism, and Friendship in Wartime

translated by Scott Rollins
American Made Music Series, 352 pages,
6 x 9 inches, 97 b&w illustrations, 4 tables, appendices, bibliographies, indices,
Printed casebinding $75.00
May 2017
ISBN 978-1-4968-0511-9

A recovery of the first book-length study of the blues and the story behind the extraordinary Dutchman who wrote it under Nazi occupation.

‘Sometimes the seemingly impossible happens. Thanks to Wim Verbei’s perseverance, the first book-length analysis of the blues-written in the German-occupied Netherlands during World War II-is both available at last and contextualized by an account of the contemporary Dutch reception of jazz and blues.’ – Guido van Rijn [author of Kennedy’s Blues: African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on JFK and Roosevelt’s Blues: African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on FDR, both published by University Press of Mississippi]

‘To my knowledge, a Dutch feature film with jazz or blues as its main theme has never been made. But in this case, one conclusion comes irresistibly to mind: Boom’s Blues offers the perfect vehicle for a gorgeous movie. Summarized in eight words: Round Midnight meets High Fidelity meets Schindler’s List.’ – Bert Vuijsje, Jazzism magazine

Wim Verbei has been active in blues music circles for several decades. He was editor-in-chief of Mr. Blues, the first Dutch-language magazine about blues, and longtime editor of the prominent Dutch music magazine Oor (Ear). He has been producing a series of articles for the quarterly Block Magazine called ‘de Bluesbibliotheek’ (‘The Blues Library’), the bibliography and critical review of every book ever written on blues music. Scott Rollins has been a cultural entrepreneur for more than forty years. He has published three volumes of poetry and is the translator of The Music of the Netherlands Antilles: Why Eleven Antilleans Knelt before Chopin’s Heart from University Press of Mississippi.

Meer over ‘Boom’s Blues ’

Upcoming: American edition of ‘Boom’s Blues’

Booms' Blues AmerikaansBoom’s Blues. Music, Journalism, and Friendship in Wartime by Wim Verbei, translated by Scott Rollins:
‘A recovery of the first book-length study of the blues and the story behind the extraordinary Dutchman who wrote it under Nazi occupation’.

‘Sometimes the seemingly impossible happens. Thanks to Wim Verbei’s perseverance, the first book-length analysis of the blues-written in the German-occupied Netherlands during World War II-is both available at last and contextualized by an account of the contemporary Dutch reception of jazz and blues.’ – Guido van Rijn [author of Kennedy’s Blues: African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on JFK and Roosevelt’s Blues: African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on FDR, both published by University Press of Mississippi]

‘To my knowledge, a Dutch feature film with jazz or blues as its main theme has never been made. But in this case, one conclusion comes irresistibly to mind: Boom’s Blues offers the perfect vehicle for a gorgeous movie. Summarized in eight words: Round Midnight meets High Fidelity meets Schindler’s List.’ – Bert Vuijsje, Jazzism magazine

Wim Verbei has been active in blues music circles for several decades. He was editor-in-chief of Mr. Blues, the first Dutch-language magazine about blues, and longtime editor of the prominent Dutch music magazine Oor (Ear). He has been producing a series of articles for the quarterly Block Magazine called ‘de Bluesbibliotheek’ (‘The Blues Library’), the bibliography and critical review of every book ever written on blues music. Scott Rollins has been a cultural entrepreneur for more than forty years. He has published three volumes of poetry and is the translator of The Music of the Netherlands Antilles: Why Eleven Antilleans Knelt before Chopin’s Heart from University Press of Mississippi.

American Made Music Series, 352 pages, 6 x 9 inches, 97 b&w illustrations, 4 tables, appendices, bibliographies, indices, Printed casebinding $75.00, 978-1-4968-0511-9

Meer over ‘Boom’s Blues ’

«Wat een boek… .» – Dick Broer

OmslagBoom'sBlues72kleinOver ‘Boom’s Blues’ van Wim Verbei op Draaicirkel, 26 april 2015:
(…) Wat een boek… Eigenlijk zijn het twee boeken. Het eerste is een fascinerend, mooi opgebouwd verhaal van Verbei over een ooit bij een Britse uitgever aangekondigd boek over blues, geschreven door de Nederlander Frans Boom. Verbei is een kenner van boeken over blues, en meende dat het wereldwijd de eerste analyse moet zijn geweest van bluesteksten. (…) Hij verklaart nauwgezet waarom het boek er nooit is gekomen. De oorlog is groot obstakel, maar evenzeer is dat Booms vriendschap met Will Gilbert. (…) Het tweede deel is het boek van Boom! Verbei heeft dit op basis van verschillende Nederlandstalige en Engelstalige versies van het manuscript gereconstrueerd. Het is een analyse van de wijze waarop oude bluesliedjes zijn opgebouwd. (…) Tot slot: in deze vorm (de twee boeken samen in een band) is de begeleidende cd onontbeerlijk. Het schijfje bevat de nummers die Boom bespreekt. Het geluid – vaak een fors obstakel bij oude blues – is mooi opgepoetst, helder. (…)
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