Over ‘Trouwportretten: Surinaamse voorouders in beeld’ van Lucia Nankoe en Jean Jacques Vrij in Foam Magazine, juli 2021:
Foam Magazine besteedt in een overzicht aandacht aan een vijftal publicaties over historische fotografie in Suriname, waarvan ‘Trouwportetten’ het meest recent is. «In ‘Wedding Portraits: Surinamese Ancestors Portrayed’, Lucia Nankoe compiled pictures from the period 1845–1950 which portray Surinamese bridal couples. The book feels like a celebration of marriage, love and family combined with optimism that within photography during colonialism was not only made by and/or for the colonisers (eyes). It was written: ‘A wedding involved not only a party but also a photo, initially only in the colonial elite, but later photography also came within the reach of the middle class.’ The photos are derived from private family collections, and include their stories. It is captured with at least the couple’s names and important dates. Nankoe’s initiative reminds us of the warmth and understanding that there was love, family, humanity in times we might not think to expect it.» [Initiated and compiled by Lucia Nankoe, Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer Haarlem, sewn bound, oblong, 257 mm x 178 mm, full colour print, with more than 130 photo’s, € 24,50. Also available in Paramaribo at Vaco and the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport.]
Foam Magazine is een internationaal Engelstalig fotografietijdschrift, sinds 2001 is een publicatie van Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam. Het wordt gedistribueerd in 25 landen.
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