Over ‘The Wonderful Disappearance of Mrs. Pear’ van Roni Klinkhamer, 26 april 2023:
While Spain is lacking rain for more than 40 days, and the church prays for rain in vain and in the meantime something extraordinary happened in the sky, something extraterrestrial, well, we’ll hope it will get closer and clearer to change our situation, which is a source of worry and sorrow: more than 40 degrees in April makes me worry, well the world seems on fire, in all aspects, why mention it, we know it, we ought to know it. Save us, E.T., Save Our United Love, a Soulution out of the mess we made of our planet. (…)
Lees blog 7 ‘From GroundHogDay to SkyRockDay’ hier verder
Lees ook Writers Blog: Slow Train To Spain [0]
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